Thursday, October 15, 2009

Seeking Clarity Among the Noise

I am tired. Well, honestly, I am sick and tired-literally. I have been burning the midnight oil on more than one occasion, putting too many irons in the fire and need another activity like I need a hole in my head. These metaphors parallel the frazzled life of a hard to say no-er. I am guilty as charged, and paying the price for doing too much during a flu epidemic. But I am finding my way back to the simpler life. What have I learned as I reflect on my noisy life? Just as it is difficult to listen to two pieces of music at the same time, it is hard to listen to God’s voice when there are too many things challenging it. Yet, like me, most women have multiple activities chattering in our ear and competing for our attention. Most are well purposed. Distractions are sometimes subtle like a whisper, relaying layers of seemingly silent clatter drowning out the most important voice of all, Our Lord’s voice. By noon, we have forgotten the voice of intention from God, and are racing to and from activities with reckless abandonment. Sometimes we tackle tasks with the hopes of glorifying the Lord and in the mean time we are not doing anything well. We are tired, empty and burned out. God did not intend for us to live this way.

Gently and thankfully, this is what my time with the Lord has revealed. There are 3 ways to put our schedules in alignment with God’s plan for our lives. Isaiah 43:7 says are created for God’s glory, to complete His tasks for His glory. We need to go back to the nuts and bolts of our faith.
Firstly, we need to seek God first with our schedules. “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” (Matthew 6:33) God’s word is filled with direction. “To know wisdom and instruction, to discern the sayings of understanding. To receive instruction in wise behavior. A wise man will hear and increase in his learning.” (Proverbs 1:5) In our world of instant connection, it is easy to be distracted from God’s original intention of the day. Seeking our Lord first before anything else is vital for the course our day will take.

Secondly, clarify why we are choosing to be involved in an actual activity. Colossians 3:23 says, “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord and not for man.” Lately, I find an excuse for why I am doing something (saying it is for the Lord), when I am really fulfilling a need that I, alone, will never fill. Praying to God for His clarification and listening to His voice while being in His word are ways to check my motives. I pray He gives me understanding of His Will.

Lastly, God says to rest in Him and His will. Hebrews 4:10, says, “Anyone who rests in God’s rest, also rests from his own rest.” Taking the time to stop and truly rest in God is when I hear God’s voice the clearest. He will force me to do this if I do not plan this in my day.
And like today, I am alone, sick and tired, finding my rest in God and spending time with Him. It is like a spring in a desert land, refreshing, soothing and healing; medicine for my sick soul. I pray that I may unearth God’s voice buried among the noise of the world. I know God has a plan for my daily life just as He has a plan for you. I challenge you as I challenge me- slow down, seek God, clarify His will and do not forget to ask Him what plans He has for you today.
Your life is so important and matters!

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