Monday, June 11, 2012

Some Gave All

I recently had the amazing opportunity to visit the American Military Cemetery in Colleville, France on Omaha Beach.  It was an AMAZING experience, to say the least, and much more emotionally overwhelming than I though it would be.
As a little background, the cemetery is located just above the beach where the American forces landed on D-Day (June 6, 1944) at the beginning of the liberation of Europe from Nazi occupation.  There were thousands of men that died that day on the beaches.  Many of them were in their early 20s, one (who had lied about his age) was 15 years old.  The cemetery has almost 10,000 graves of those soldiers that gave their lives from June 6, 1944 and the following 11 or so months.
As I walked through the cemetery, I was overwhelmed at the price that was paid for my freedom.  So many men, willingly gave their lives, so that I could live the life I live today.  My life would be so different if the Nazis had remained in power and continued their rule.

This is also the same price my beloved Christ paid for me.  His death on the cross, was the ultimate price for my freedom as well.  He gave me freedom from my sins, so I can live in freedom today.  Again, my life would be so different if sin continued to rule my life.  I only pray that I would recognize this daily and be overwhelmed by the sacrifice He made for me.  It was not a sacrifice that was made lightly and may we all remember the cost.

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