Friday, February 11, 2011

Who Is Your Support Group

"(9)Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work: (10)If one falls down his friend can help him up.  But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up!"  
Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 (NIV)

There was a question in our Bible Study this past week that ask do you have a support group in your life. As we stopped to talk about this question for a few minutes the discussion was about who some of those people were.  One of groups mentioned that night was our Bible Study group.  We know that anytime we need prayer for something all we have to do is email the request out and we have a group of women praying on our behalf.

I have thought about this question more and more. You may have one support group or you may have several. We really do need those "support groups" in life.  God sometimes places those people in our lives to hold our hands up just like Aaron and Hur held Moses' hands up in Exodus when the Israelites were fighting the Amalekites.

I think back to when we lost our first little girl.  I think about how there were people that held my hands up to help me make it through the days.  I have made friends along the way that know the pain of losing a child.  I do not know what I would do without them sometimes and know that God placed them in my life.

Last August, I joined MOPS.  It has been fun.  Getting to know some moms with little ones and hearing the way they do things.  It can be as simple a conversation as what someone may feed their toddler for breakfast but sometimes that is just what you may be trying to figure out.

It is heartbreaking to think there are people out there with no support group.  No one to talk to when they have a bad day.  No one to ask to add them to their prayer list. 

Who is your support group?  Is there someone you can reach out to today that may not have anyone and be part of their support group?  A simple phone call, card or email can brighten someones day and you not even realize it.

Have you ever felt prompted to do something, send someone a card, make a meal, etc...and then been too busy to stop and actually do it only to find out later that is something that person really needed.  I have been guilty of that.  I know that I need to slow down and listen because God may be telling me to help someone just like He has sent others help me over the years.

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