Monday, October 1, 2012

Grateful and Humbled

Last night, I was honored and blessed to participate in a service at church to ordain my husband as a deacon.  I have always regarded deacons as leaders in the church and the pastor was very kind to remind us of that last night.  It is an honor that my husband and our family does not take lightly.

While preparing for this, we tried to convey the importance of this to our boys, ages 13 and 11.  At this age, you never quite know what penetrates into their brains and what just flies right over.  :)  We have been very purposeful their whole lives to try to communicate with them about the importance of spiritual events.  It is not always easy and sometimes that meant I did not get anything out of a service because I wanted them to "experience" it and not distract others.  I am often reminded in these times, that this is a journey, not an overnight transformation.

There have been several things lately that have come to my attention, through others, that my boys are actually doing the things that we have taught them.  But one of the most humbling things happened last night, during the ordination service.  The men of the church came forward and prayed over all of the new deacons - individually.  It was an amazing time, as those we knew and those we do not know yet, prayed over us and our family.  Our boys came forward at one point and our 13 year old prayed over his dad!!!  What a powerful scene - this little boy (not so little anymore), understood what what going on, and lifted his dad to the throne room of the King!  I was humbled and overwhelmed at the beauty of his prayer and his willingness to pray for his dad during this time.

I say all of this to tell you to "take heart"!  Keep on, keeping on!  Stay the course!  While taking your kids into certain services may be difficult for you, you are training them on important things.  Have those spiritual conversations with your kids.  Do those devotions that you don't think they are listening to.  Help them learn to develop habits they will carry into adulthood.  Bring them to church and be consistent.  God will honor your sacrifices and return them to you!

Proverbs 22: 6 Train up a child in the way he should go, Even when he is old he will not depart from it.

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