Thursday, May 5, 2011

Computer/Technology & Mommy Guilt...How Do These Go Together???

Yesterday morning as I was sitting at my breakfast room table waiting for my little girl to finish eating her breakfast I did what I do most mornings...I got on my computer.  After I got online and looked at facebook and a blog or two or more I decided I was putting my computer up for the day.  I took my laptop and put it in my husbands office.  I was going to have a semi technology free day.  I say semi because I still had my phone.  I will be honest and say I did check FB and my email a few times from my phone.  I do not text much so I did not really have to worry about getting lots of text today since most of my friends know either I prefer to talk on the phone or send emails.

I normally keep my computer on the breakfast room table or the kitchen cabinet and when I walk by I will sometimes check FB or see if any of the blogs I read are updated or read the news.  It is amazing how much of my day is really lost doing this.  I sometimes wish I could figure out how to have more hours in the day, well I think I found out how to do that today.

I was amazed at everything I got done. I cleaned house, got almost caught up on laundry and I ran.  WOW!!!  I have decided I am going to do this several times a week....part of me thinks I might should do this everyday - I could really get alot of my projects done.  While my little girl was eating her lunch I did get it out but then I put it right back up!  I got it back out after we were done with dinner - it was around 7:00PM.

Technology is a good thing.  When my little girl was a new born and we were staying home, my link to the outside world was my computer!  It is the easiest way to catch up on the news if you are like me and are usually busy when the news comes on TV.  I also would keep up with my friends through FB and I would blog so that our families back home could see pictures of our little girl.

Technology can cause me to have Mommy Guilt!  Just like yesterday while I was cleaning my closet I turned on a show for my little girl to watch.  She loved getting to watch it but I felt really guilty that she was watching one of her shows when I should have been playing with her.  But on the flip side, it is a good thing too because I was being productive and she was watching something she likes and was entertained for a short time.  Am I the only person that feels guilty when I let my little one watch one of her shows so that I can get something done?

Technology is a good thing, we just can not let it take over our life.

  • I was thinking how much more time I could spend praying and studying God's word if I just turned my computer off.
  • How much more quality time I could spend with my little girl if I turned my computer off.
  • How much more time could I spend volunteering for things if I turned my computer off.  
  • How much more time could I spend helping a friend in need if I turned my computer off.  

Like I mentioned above, it is amazing how much of your day can be lost on the computer....and you may not even realize it.

What could you do if you turned the computer off?

I am thinking that today may be another computer free day.  Does anyone else want to make this a computer and/or technology free day?


  1. So very very true. I try to make Sat and Sun computer free days for me. I do check email on my phone, but I'm not on the computer!

  2. Great post, Amanda! Definitely something that I struggle with as well.
