Thursday, May 16, 2013

Stuck on the Crumbs

I wrote this post about 3 weeks ago.  For those who may not read my blog or may not have seen me reference it on this blog, we brought home our daughter from Ethiopia at the end of March.  This was written after she'd been home 5 weeks:

Ella has gotten much better about eating in the past five weeks.  She has gone from practically inhaling every bite to often being one of the last ones done.  She has gone from stealing E and J's snacks after finishing hers to actually getting up and walking around before her own snack is finished--trusting that it will still be there when she comes back.  She still says "eat" as soon as she gets up in the morning, but she truly is learning that we can be trusted to feed her, and she will have enough.

However, as I was watching her today, it struck me how she still longs for the crumbs.  She had an entire cupcake in front of her, yet she was reaching instead for the tiniest speck of a crumb.  She sometimes gets so caught up in the little piece, that she fails to see the meal in front of her.  And I thought, Well isn't that me, too? 

God has given me so much; in fact, He has blessed me with a feast, and yet too often I seek after the crumbs.  I only see the little thing in front of me, and I fail to look at the beautiful big picture of what God is doing, the banquet table He is preparing. 

I don't think He wants me to feast on crumbs; I think He wants me to drink from His goodness, to feast on His Word, not the leftovers that I find lying around.  So today I will seek to enjoy the meal, and I hope to teach Ella to do the same.  Will you join me?

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Changed and Prepared

This (school) year, I have been involved in a Bible study that has focused on the book of Genesis.  I have done this study before and it never ceases to amaze me how God worked (and still works) in the lives of men and women in the Bible to bring about His plans and purposes.

As we are wrapping up the study of Genesis, I am struck with how these men - whose flaws are written for all eternity to see, whose mistakes are studied over and over, who did not always do things God's way - are still an example for how we are to live and die.

Judah - who tried to do the right thing by Joseph - but was then caught in a grievous sin against and with his daughter-in-law - was changed when confronted with his sin.  He had a heart and life that was changed when he encountered God. (Genesis 38)  I so want to be one that is changed - both when I am confronted with sin and when I encounter God.  And Judah has been blessed forever - from his line came the Messiah!  How thankful I am that our past does not define us!

And then there was Jacob.  Known many times as the deceiver of the the family.  He tricked his brother out of his birthright.  He had to run in order to stay alive.  But he also suffered being deceived - by his father in law, by his sons.  Jacob also was changed when he encountered God.  Jacob met God on the banks of the river - he knew he needed God's blessings.  God touched him and he was never the same. (Genesis 32) Again, when I encounter God, I never want to walk the same again.

Then at the end of his life, Jacob shined the brightest.  Not only did he believe in God's promises that his people would one day return to Canaan, in his last breath, he worshiped God (Hebrews 11:21).  What an example for all of us!

I have watched and heard about many godly people - how they have been prepared to die (both physically and spiritually) - but most of all how they have been an example to others of how godly people die.  They worshiped God until they took their last breath.  Oh God, how I want to be that example to the people around me. Granted, this is not an easy task, nor do I want it to come quickly.  But I want to be so changed by my encounters with God, that there is no other option for me.

Will you join me in seeking to be so grounded in Christ and willing to be changed by Him that we have no other choice but to worship Him to the very end?

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Teacher Appreciation

A thank you for the many teachers that shaped my life.

The teacher that taught me my address and introduced me to a new friend who lived on my street.
The teacher that welcomed shy and quiet and grew a leader.
The teacher that called me out when I wasn't listening.
The teacher that didn't flinch when I made a 100 on her pre-test.
The teacher that brought history to life.
The teacher that knew me as a baby and taught me as a senior.
The teacher that gave me my first C.
The teacher that apologized.
The teacher that expected greatness.
The teacher that taught me about grace.
The teacher that trusted me with important work.
The teacher that prayed.
The teachers that I call Mom, Dad, MIL, sister, Granny, friend.

Thank you for teaching me. Thank you for investing in my live.

May my life honor the time and care and love you poured into me.