Confession time. More times than I should, I find myself mouthing off about a situation that makes me unhappy or is less than desirable. When called on it, my response is usually, “I can’t help it!”
When I say this, I am describing my emotional state. I am so wrapped up in a situation that I am unhappy about, I mean that I can’t HELP but speak up about it. I mean that I can’t HELP but make my feelings verbally known to everyone around me. When I say this phrase, I am literally so compelled emotionally that I have to speak up about what I think in order to sway someone to agree with me.
And then I read this scripture. Acts 4:18-20. Hello?!? Peter and John were faced with severe punishment at this time for just mentioning Jesus’ name to an entire village. The Sanhedrin had the ability to punish Peter and John with jail time (not pleasant, by the way), flogging, or exile. Needless to say, Peter and John were both aware they had the opportunity to meet any number of unpleasant situations for telling an entire city about Jesus.
But what do they tell the Sanhedrin? Peter and John say, “We CANNOT HELP speaking of what we have seen and heard.” Even in the face of punishment or death, Peter and John said, “I can’t help it!”
Sort of puts into perspective my measly rambling about unpleasant situations I am faced with. I pray today for a mind so focused on what Jesus is doing in me that I CANNOT HELP but speak of what I’ve seen and heard that Christ has done in me!
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