Monday, January 4, 2010

Happy, Glorious New Year!!!

"Oh, Happy Day, Happy Day! You washed my sins away.
Oh, Happy Day, Happy Day! I'll never be the same.
What a Glorious day! What a Glorious day, cause You- have- set- me- free!
Oh, Happy Day! I'll never be the same!"
I love this song! I love singing this song. I love hearing my family sing this song. I love hearing my church family sing this song. I love watching one of our worship leaders when he leads this song. He can barely contain himself! I love the Savior who makes singing this song possible.

This New Year is a year to celebrate so much. So much glory, so much happiness. No matter what is going on around us, no one can take away our salvation. No one can take away the true joy of knowing we are set free. It is a happy day when we get it- Jesus saves us and sets us free. We need not live in bondage to anything or anyone.

Now, I have experienced pain, I had a really difficult year last year, and I am praying with all hope (Psalms 5:3) to see how GOD will resolve many of these issues as I type right now. So, I know that all of life cannot be filled with happy days. But, when life brings us a new year, can we maybe just look at possibilities?

Our family was praying over the New Year and our son prayed and thanked GOD for preparing us for the New Year. I stopped after the prayer and had one of those "Mom moments". I had never really thought of it like that. I had prayed for the upcoming year. I had asked for blessings, for favor, for opportunities for our family to serve, for our family to grow in relationship with GOD/each other/friends, I thought I had covered a lot. But, our son had thanked GOD that He had prepared and would continue to prepare us for the year ahead. GOD knows what is coming. He will not be caught off guard. We would not be either, if we remained close to the "author and perfecter of our faith".

We are free from fear, from impossible mountains (Mt 19:26) when we look to Jesus and focus on Him as the one who sets us free. This sets our minds free for possibilities. It sets us free to allow Jesus to grow our faith. It sets us free to allow Him to minister to us when we are in the midst of pain. I love reading the Psalms. David praises GOD when his heart hurts. That is maybe why I also love this song. No matter what day the world wants me, my husband, my kids, or my friends to have, I can claim a different day because I know it can be a glorious day since "He has set us free".

Freedom might not seem like it comes easily for all. I suggest reading the Psalms. Use a journal as you read. Rewrite any verse you especially feel GOD might be using in your life. Substitute your name. Post the verse in your kitchen, office, closet, bathroom, carry it in your pocket. Listen to music that encourages you. Freedom is yours. If you are in Christ, you do not have to beg for it, it is yours. Just claim it and seek it. But, you have to read, pray and apply. GOD gives to those who ask.

I pray you will make it a "Happy, Glorious" Year- because He will set you free and give you life this year!

Dear Father, thank you for Jesus who died to give us life, freedom, joy. I ask that we would dedicate ourselves to Your word, prayer and to a church community so we can make everyday a glorious day unto You!!! I love you!

"But, You are a shield around me, O LORD;
You bestow glory on me and lift up my head."
Psalm 3:3

"In the morning, O LORD, You hear my voice;
in the morning I lay my requests before You
and wait in expectation."
Psalm 5:3
"Jesus looked at them and said,
'With man this is impossible,
but with GOD all things are possible.'"
Matthew 19:26

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